Hello Church!
In Matthew 19:16-26, Jesus is addressing a rich young ruler. Years ago, we would have called the young man a yuppie. This story is in 3 of the gospels. The young man wants to know what to do to be saved. Jesus, knowing the young man’s heart, tells him to sell all he has and give it to the poor. For the young man, that is asking too much. Jesus goes on to tell of the difficulty of a rich man entering heaven, comparing it to a camel going through the eye of the needle. The disciples respond, “Then who can be saved?” It was the rich who had the time and the treasures to give. Jesus responds, “And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (v26).
What all but Jesus has forgotten is that He is a miracle. We celebrate this miracle every year at this time. It was impossible for a human to have been born of a virgin. But what was impossible for man was possible for God! As we reflect on the Christmas story, we need to:
- Acknowledge our human limitations. Things will go beyond our abilities and control.
- Recognize the omnipotence of God. The power of God transcends our understanding and abilities.
- Trust in the power of God. If God has taken you to it, God can take you through it.
- Stay encouraged and hopeful.
- Persevere in our journey of faith.
- Where led, pray for divine intervention.
- Depend on the grace of God, for salvation, for spiritual growth, for personal victories.
- Have humility and surrender to God those things that vex us. Anything with eternal significance requires the work of God!
Jesus Christ Himself is the walking demonstration that what is impossible with humans is possible with God. And this is celebrated by both believers and unbelievers all over the world!